Coast Copper Proceeds with Key Acquisitions through Staking and Declares Hanson Property Update

Coast Copper Corp. (“Coast Copper” or the “Company”) (TSXV: COCO) is satisfied to declare the staking of decisively found mineral properties in English Columbia (“BC”) Canada as well as the consequences of proceeded with arrangement work on its 100 percent possessed Hanson property in northwestern BC (see news discharge for obtaining subtleties December 10, 2024). The five new properties incorporate the Stone Gully South uncommon earth and fluorite property in southeastern BC, the Virginia Silver high grade past creating silver undertaking in northwestern BC, the Ben Nevis orogenic gold property situated in the Bralorne Camp in southwestern BC, and extra properties in the Anyox camp regions in northwestern BC. See Figure 1. These properties add to the Company’s expressed 2024 objectives of making vital acquisitions of underexplored projects with a half and half venture generator model. Despite the fact that Coast Copper’s Domain Mine venture is as yet its lead property, Coast Copper will keep on procuring vital properties that will assist with situating it for progress in a rising metals market.

Adam Travis, Coast Copper President remarks: “We keep on utilizing our many long stretches of joined BC investigation experience by staking forthcoming ground. The new acquisitions incorporate the uncommon earth, fluorspar Rock Gulch South property whose minerals are remembered for the Canadian Basic Minerals System, the past creating high-grade Virginia Silver mine which unequivocally praises our Sweeney property and imminent orogenic gold and silver ground along strike toward the south of Talisker Assets Ltd’s. Bralorne property¹. We will keep on checking on amazing open doors all through BC and past that take advantage of our natural abilities. Coast Copper will have a stall at the AME Gathering Meeting from January 20-23rd. Visit us at stall 521 to examine these very interesting activities as well as our arrangement of different undertakings.”

Rock Gulch South Uncommon Earth (Southeastern BC) Carbonatite facilitated flurospar, barite and intriguing earth components

The street open Stone Ravine South property (393 hectares (“ha”)) is found 90 kilometers (“km”) upper east of Cranbrook and 45 km upper east of the Company’s Soil property. The property is found straightforwardly south and on pattern of the Stone Gulch Brook carbonate-facilitated uncommon earth, flurorite and barite store where fluorspar and uncommon earth mineralization is stratabound, facilitated essentially by the “basal Devonian unit”, and happens in a northwest pattern over 3.5 km. In 1988, a carbonatite-related beginning is proposed for the fluorite and uncommon earth mineralization, coming about because of metasomatically modified (fenitized) Devonian carbonate rocks, conceivably connected with a firmly established soluble interruption. Fluorite content by and large fluctuates from 2% to more prominent than (“>”) 10% of the stone. In 1986, an example of brown-changed carbonate with fluorite (R85DP-1A) contained 1% cerium, 0.98% lanthanum, 0.3% neodymium, 0.058% thorium and 0.03% samarium². Fluorite events have been recently planned across the Company’s recently procured property and seem, by all accounts, to be along comparative land patterns as the Stone Gulch store ³.

Virginia Silver Property (Northwestern BC) High grade silver-lead-zinc +/ – gold veins

The street open Virginia Silver property (371 ha) is found roughly 34 km north of Smithers and 5 km east of Morristown situated on Thruway 16. The Virginia Silver property is geographically like the Company’s high-grade silver-lead-zinc +/ – gold vein Sweeney property found 140 km toward the southeast in the Huckleberry Camp.

The property has been irregularly investigated beginning around 1968, including:

Silver Standard Mines forcefully chipped away at the property in 1968-69, driving two investigation adits adding up to 152 meters (“m”) and penetrating 22 short jewel drillholes. Silver Standard’s specialist at the time assessed a notable, non-43 101 consistent asset of 27,213 tons reviewing 708 grams for every ton (“g/t”) (25 ounces for each ton) silver⁴ ⁵ in light of itemized underground channel examining and drillhole information.

In 1975, Paul Kindrat rented the property, transporting 226 tons from stores on the property of hand arranged metal that detailed 696,952 grams silver (22,408 ounces) and 401 grams gold (12.9 ounces) ⁵.

In 1977 Barriere Investigation rented the property and introduced a 50 ton-per-day factory. Two shipments of pack were delivered in 1980-1981, preceding the plant was closed down in December of 1981. The mine and factory were decommissioned in 1990.

The property was restaked in 1999 by George Braun who finished a 11-line km ground electromagnetic review in 2001.

In 2006 and 2007, Perseverance Gold optioned the property, marked the Annie claims, finished a dirt geochemical program and penetrated 3 jewel drill openings south of Causqua River. Two openings, VAG-1 and VAG-3, captured the designated vein material. Opening VAG-1 was an upward opening and crossed a 0.20 m thick carbonate vein at 80.60 m profundity, evaluating 121 g/t silver and 0.186 g/t gold ⁵.

In 2007, Uber Silver Inc. optioned the property from Perseverance Gold and in 2008 finished an investigation program of ground Prompted Polarization (“IP”) geophysics and six precious stone drill openings zeroed in south of Casqua Spring. The drill program was intended to test various huge profound (>200 m) IP geophysical guides, which have all the earmarks of being related with zones of auxiliary tourmaline. The vast majority of the 2008 drillholes caught essentially strange to mineralized vein material.

Ben Nevis Property (Southwestern BC) Aqueous gold veins

The street open Ben Nevis property (1,980 ha) is found 30 km southeast of the town of Goldbridge in the Bralorne Gold Mining Camp and is quickly contiguous the southeastern corner of Talisker’s Bralorne property¹. In 1980 and 1981, Dupont of Canada Investigation Ltd. led projects of prospecting, land planning and rock, soil and stream silt testing. Soil values up to 0.9 g/t gold and stream residue values up to 2 g/t gold were acquired ⁶. In 1987, two weighty mineral stream silt tests gathered by English Lion Mines Ltd. delivered upsides of 1 and 7 g/t gold in coarse divisions ⁶. In 2020, S. Boughey directed a primary photograph translation of the Ben showing region.

The finishes of the 2020 work were that the expansive and moderate provincial lineament examinations show that the property is found proximal to convergences of major territorial designs, which are logical profound entering and could be significant in limiting mineralizing magmas and their related aqueous frameworks. At the property scale, more limited size form linears are believed to diverge from the major local designs and an emphasis on investigating along these highlights, with an accentuation on their convergences will be significant for arranging future work programs at Ben Nevis. Future projects ought to zero in on prospecting, digging and examining of material inside the north-northwesterly moving discouragement in endeavors to find the wellspring of high-grade gold mineralization recognized by noteworthy geochemical reviews ⁷.

Hanson Property (Northwestern BC) Porphyry copper-molybdenum-gold (see news discharge dated December 10, 2024)

The street available Hanson property (1,965 ha) is found 150 km west-northwest of Sovereign George in the Babine Locale and 25 km north of Centerra Gold Inc’s. Endako molybdenum mine¹. The property is inside the southern piece of the under investigated Stikine Rock formation, one of BC’s most productive copper molybdenum-gold belts which incorporates Glencore Canada Corp’s. past creating Ringer and Granisle mines, the Endako mine and Pacific Booker Minerals’ high level stage Morrison deposit¹. Furthermore, new disclosures and dynamic investigation programs on the north piece of the belt by American Bird Gold at its NAK copper-gold porphyry and Amarc Assets/Boliden Minerals at their Duke copper-molybdenum porphyry ¹ give proof of proceeding with outcome nearby.

Features of the authentic assemblage include⁸:

Copper soil inconsistency > 80 sections for every million (“ppm”) covering a region north of 900 m by 600 m toward the west of the known Kimura Zone, and a different peculiarity 450 m by 250 m zone toward the northwest of the known Kimura Zone;

Zinc soil abnormality > 1,000 ppm covering an area of 700 m by 250 m (on the ongoing Property);

Percussion drillholes finished in 1973 returned 0.1% copper on the edges of the copper soil oddity;

Precious stone drillholes finished in 1990 returning 0.2% copper and 0.1 g/t gold north of 15 m and 22 m (DDH-90-20 and DDH-90-3 separately);

Geophysical chargeability abnormalities north of 1,000 m in two regions.

Extra Acquisitions (Northwestern BC) High grade silver-lead-zinc +/ – gold veins

The Company has gained extra mineral cases inside the Anyox camp and nearby and interior to Goliath Assets Ltd’s. Golddigger property region in the Brilliant Triangle. More subtleties on these properties will be delivered once the Company had the opportunity to survey the authentic information in setting with the present information.

Qualified People

The specialized data contained in this news discharge has been arranged, surveyed, and supported by Swim Barnes, P.Geo. (BC), Coast Copper’s topographical specialist and a Certified Individual inside the setting of the Canadian Protections Heads’ NI 43-101; Principles of Revelation for Mineral Tasks.

About Coast Copper Corp.

Coast Copper’s essential investigation center is the Realm Mine property, situated on northern Vancouver Island, BC, which covers three authentic open pit mines and two past-delivering underground mines that yielded iron, copper, gold, and silver. In 2023, Coast Copper sent off a generative program pointed toward propelling its different properties in lined up with Domain. In 2024, Coast Copper procured two new ventures bringing its all out number of 100 percent possessed projects in BC to six, comprising of the mineral titles containing the Domain Mine property, the Soil property situated in southeastern BC, the Handle Slope NW property situated on northern Vancouver Island, the Homemade libation property situated in focal BC, its Sweeney property situated in the focal inside of BC and its Scottie West property situated in the “Brilliant Triangle” of northern BC. Coast Copper’s supervisory crew keeps on exploring valuable and base metal open doors in western North America.

In the interest of the Governing body:
“Adam Travis”
Adam Travis, CEO and Chief


Preventative Notes in News Delivery or potentially Guides

This news delivery might contain data about neighboring properties on which Coast Copper has no option to investigate or mine. Financial backers are advised that mineral stores on adjoining properties are not demonstrative of mineral stores on the Company’s properties.

Minfile Record Outline, 082JSW018.

C. Graf (1986), Topographical Report on the D.P. 1,2,3 and Candy Cases, REE-Ba-F-P Carbonatite Prospect. BC Evaluation Report 14677

While Coast Copper takes note of that the authentic outcomes are not NI 43-101 consistent and have not been confirmed by the Company’s QP, these verifiable assets will assist with directing Coast Copper’s investigation programs. A Certified Individual has not accomplished adequate work to group the verifiable gauge as an ongoing mineral asset and Coast Copper Corp. isn’t regarding this authentic gauge as current mineral assets.

Minfile Record Synopsis 093M021.

Minfile Record Synopsis 092JNE038.

S.Boughey (2020), 2020 Land Report on the Ben Property. BC Appraisal Report 39079

J. Cross (2013), Primary Examination on the Hanson Property. BC Appraisal Report 34087

Neither the TSX Adventure Trade nor its Guideline Administrations Supplier (as that term is characterized in the arrangements of the TSX Adventure Trade) acknowledges liability regarding the ampleness or precision of this delivery.

Preventative Explanation In regards to Advance LOOKING Data

Certain data contained or consolidated by reference in this public statement, including any data with respect to the proposed Exchange, confidential position, board and the executives changes, concerning our system, ventures, plans or future monetary or working execution, is “forward-looking proclamations.” All assertions, other than explanations of authentic reality, are to be viewed as forward-looking articulations. Forward-looking explanations are essentially founded on various assessments and suppositions that, while considered sensible by Coast Copper, are innately dependent upon critical business, monetary, topographical and serious vulnerabilities and possibilities.

Despite the fact that Coast Copper accepts the assumptions communicated in such forward-looking proclamations depend on sensible suppositions, such explanations are not an assurance of future execution. Known and obscure elements could make genuine outcomes vary tangibly from those projected in the forward-looking explanations. Such factors incorporate however are not restricted to: vacillations in market costs, investigation and double-dealing victories, proceeded with accessibility of capital and funding, changes in public and neighborhood government regulation, tax collection, controls, guidelines, confiscation or nationalization of property and general political, monetary, market or business conditions.

A considerable lot of these vulnerabilities and possibilities can influence our genuine outcomes and could make genuine outcomes contrast tangibly from those communicated or suggested in any forward-looking assertions made by, or for the benefit of, us. Perusers are forewarned that forward-looking proclamations are not certifications of future execution and, subsequently, perusers are encouraged to depend on their own assessment of such vulnerabilities. Every one of the forward-looking proclamations made in this public statement, or consolidated by reference, are qualified by these preventative articulations. We accept no commitment to refresh any forward-looking assertions.

SOURCE Coast Copper Corp.

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